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February 24, 2005
Virginia C. Smith, The Dolphin Lady™
President, Dolphin Lady™ Enterprises
(480) 797-7746

Virginia C. Smith Founder of AmazingMazy.com announces a new affiliate Children's Educational Network - CEN.

Children's Educational Network provides safe Internet products for kids. Their browser "Noah's Net" is one of the safest places for children while they explore the Internet. We commend Greg Writer, CEO Children's Educational Network on his commitment to children and their safety.

Amazingmazy.com is a website bringing dolphins and children together in an amazing place. Kids get to visit Mazy the Dolphin™ and have the choice to order books on CDs, to read stories written by their peers and most important of all to answer Mazy's special question. Mazy wants kids to know just how special and amazing they are so Mazy asks kids to write a story about "What is amazing about you?" Children are asked to write and submit their amazing story. Their story will be posted on Mazy's BLOG and eventually all stories will be published into books on CDs.

For more information or to support the funding of this special project please contact Virginia C. Smith @ ph.# (480) 797-7746 or email her at

Please visit AmazingMazy.com at http://www.amazingmazy.com.

For more information about the Children's Educational Network please visit their website http://www.childrenseducationalnetwork.com. To become an affiliate, look for Partnership Opportunities Link on their home page.

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